Can you have the opposite of a mentor?

17 Feb

Daily Prompt: Have you ever had a mentor? What was the greatest lesson you learned from him or her?

What is the opposite of mentor? I have had that. In many teachers and professionals that I have met along the way, that have done things wrong, let children down, shown gross ignorance, all those people have made me the person that I am today. BECAUSE, I have vowed to NEVER do that, and to make sure that all students under my care get a fair chance. 

bad mentorSo if there is a name for that, then that’s what has made me the person I am today. 

The prize person that tops them all was the head teacher that brought a child into my class, introduced him, then whispered 

‘don’t worry about him, he will be out by Christmas’. 

Thank you because you made me the special needs teacher and advocate for children’s rights, that I am today. 



3 Responses to “Can you have the opposite of a mentor?”

  1. ozarkmountainhiker February 18, 2013 at 12:50 #

    Thank you for sharing this perspective. I too had a few negative mentors along the way. Mrs. S was one who shaped my thinking. When I became a principal I vowed never to have a “Mrs. S” in my school.


  1. Mr. Bales, Me, and The Sixth Grade | The Jittery Goat - February 18, 2013

    […] Can you have the opposite of a mentor? « Being Special […]

  2. Mentors: The Freshmaker – A Daily Prompt Post | Edward Hotspur - February 18, 2013

    […] Can you have the opposite of a mentor? « Being Special […]

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